Jul 31, 2008


I wish I could keep the same mood level for more than one day.
I haven't done anything yet today.. its 3:49, I started cleaning my room a couple hours ago and I'm almost done. It's really dirty though. I haven't had time/energy to actually clean everything in so long. It's coming along alright though. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do today. I think I'm hangin out with Jackie and Tom and Jaime later. That's what she saidd at least. I wanna get real drunk tonight. I downloaded soulseek on my computer and I've been listenning to music so much more. I hate not being able to download music. I'm lovin' it. Yesterday I hung out with Charles in the morning, than Kyle and Dan came over and I went back to Kyles house with them. Bruder and Dewayne came there. We chilled in his room and then we went to get pizza. Later on, Andrew and I went to Julie's house and watched some movie about this jewish Nazi type kid. I think it was a good movie. I didn't pay attention to a lot of it so I didn't really fully understand most of it, but whatever. After that I hung out with Charles again and we went to the sea wall then came back here and did nothing. I was suppose to hang out with someone but they blew me off. What else is new. I hate being confused all the time. I need a new job. Fuck.

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