Jul 5, 2008

that was a close one..

My 4Th of July weekend was prettyyy good. I'm not sure where to start off, so I'll start with last night. I hung out with Kyle, Dan and Dewayne. They picked me up and we went to Julie's house in wallingford for a 4Th of July party. I had fun for the most part. Jill, Stefan, Pat, Meghan and Brain came there too. And Julie's friend Shell from North Branford. I had a lot of funn, I had so much energy all that day. There was a cotton Candy machine and it was awesome. The fireworks were great, it was a good time. I got to see a bunch of friends and the weather wasn't that bad. It did rain a little bit but not consistently. Kyle, Dewayne, Brian and I slept at Julies house after everyone left we watched tv then we went to sleep. I went to sleep around 4a.m and I was woken up at promtly 8:30 by Julie's stepmom. I'm not gonna elaborate on that subject, but whatever it doesn't matter anyway. I made it through the day with enough energy, again.
This morning when my dad picked up me Kyle and Dewayne, he wanted to visit grandma in Meriden so he dropped us off at the Meriden mall for a couple hours. We didn't really do much.. I got new gauges finally, and I'm so mad at myself for picking the ones I did. I can't exchange them though so I'm stuckk with it. I want to go to the shows on the 8Th and the 9Th. I really hope I do. Anyway, when we get back to my house we chill here for a bit and get ready to go out. We take the bus from my house to downtown and hang around there for a little bit. First we went into channel one because Dewayne wanted to look at something, and Lou gave me a lollipop. When I was talking to him, a man came in the store that knew my brother and his old shop ten times dope. I don't know why my brother knows everyone. After that we go to the thrift store and look at things and I saw a lot of shorts and some pants and shirts that I liked and I wanted to buy everythinggg but I needed to save my money. Fuck. I end up buying this weird shirt for Dan, for his birthday. I don't even remember what it said or the design on it or anything. It was funny though. We take the bus from downtown to Kyles house and hang out there and play some video games and clean his yard. For some reason I was kind of depressed last night. Who even knowssss why. That's besides the point. Later on at Kyle's house Dan finally comes and we watched Miami vice, and I didn't understand it at all. It looked like a porn from what I saw. Dan took me home a little while ago, on the way home there was a D.U.I check before the bridge. I hate that shit. I hate cops. They almost didn't let us go. Apparently are eyes were bloodshot. Every time I'm with Dan something really bad almost happens. That was yet another close one.

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