Nov 30, 2008


I had the past few days off from school because of Thanks giving. I got a half day on Wednesday and I've been having fun every day since then. I don't think I spent an entire day at home once. Even if I thought I wasn't going to go out, I did. I mostly hung out with Jackie and Kevin. Wednesday night is exactly what I wanted it to be, read my last post and it will make sense. I got so trashed. Me and Jackie schooled everyone in beer pong, and we had a good time. I puked in his trash can for a good minute, but hey, it was a fun night. Thursday, I went to my sisters house for thanks giving and it was nice. All my family was there and it was a good time. Then later on, Tara came over and slept over and it was cool. Jocelyn was home too, so we hung out with her as well. Friday Tara left and a bunch of my friends from middle school came over. Jaime, Raizine, Lynelle, Hayleigh (who I still usually hang out with). It was fun. We went on an adventure to smoke a couple blunts, everyone stayed at my house, and me and Jaime took 2 of my bikes to the corner stop to get duchies and cigarettes. Then we went to stop & shop to get bud. I got hooked up by my friend pretty good, and the tire on my bike was completely out, but I made it all the way home. We went back to my house and I rolled both of them and they didn't come out that good but oh well, at least I can do it... We went to the empty parking lot by the airport right next to the runway and sat in a circle and smoked old school style. Hayleigh didn't smoke. We all got decently ripped and it was a good time. It's so crazy doing that because I've known them all for so long. I knew Jaime and Lynelle since kinder garden, and they were basically one of my first friends, besides Karli and Monica. I met Raizine in first grade. Oh how we've changed. We actually talked about it, everyone did change a lot. But all the good qualities about everyone still stayed the same. I wish I spent more time with them. Anyway. They hung out at my house til around 9 then everyone left. I was so tired but really bored, I was about to go to bed when John called me and told me to go there because he was having a good time at his house, so I go there at like 1am and drink a few beers and hang out, this girl I know was there that used to baby sit me. Saturday, I didn't do much the first half of the day. Me and Jared decided to hang out before the show for a little bit, so he picked me up around 5 and we smoked and went to the show and hung out for a little bit after :] It was nice. I love his company. I love him. Today, I woke up and my mom told me Dexter came in the mail. YESSSS. I was so stoked, Ive been waiting so long for season 2 to come, the mail order for netflix got all messed up because my mom starting ordering the wire too. And I barely like that show. So I watched one episode this morning. My sister dropped the kids off and everyone had pasta, not that much family came over. Charles came to my house around 3 and I got ready for the show. We picked up Cathy and went to eat at some place in North Haven, Panera's? I don't know. We hung out at Charles house for a little bit after to kill time before the show. The show was pretty fun, a lot of my friends were there and it was a good time. Crowns of Kings played, and no one got hurt surprisingly. Product of waste played, and they were good as usual. I smoked a little bit with Terry after, it was pretty good. Charles gave me a ride home from the show and when I got home my parents watched the 2nd episode for Dexter on our season 2 disc without me. What the fuck, haha. I wasn't really pissed, its just supposed to be a family thing. I need to take a shower before I go to bed. It's already almost 12, which is lame because this long break is finally over. I am going to get such a rude awakening when I wake up tomorrow for school. But I still have stuff to do before bed. I need to watch the second episode. I'll do that now I guess. I mad I just finished these doritos, it's wack.

Nov 26, 2008

not so nice

Cold and bored. I'm supposed to hang out with Jackie later, probably. I don't know what we would do. Tomorrow is thanks giving. I want to drink beer tonight. That's all I really want right now, I have a plan that this will happen. Jocelyn is supposed to be coming home tonight too around 5 probably. Jackie just texted me asking if I wanted to go to a bigger party in Milford. Yes I would like that. I feel really stressed out right now for no reason. I need to clear my head. I neeeed to break something. I'm not even in a bad mood I just know I would feel so much better. I just received news that Rob wrote me a letter from juvi, I have no idea what it could possibly say. Damn.

Nov 24, 2008


I really don't feel like posting that much right now. I was in a really good mood when I got home for some reason, and now I'm just cold. This weekend was really fun. I got to hang out with Jared allll weekend, he came to pick me up Friday night and I stayed at his house until Sunday and Sunday we went to the show in Wallingford to see The Kill Boys and Long Drop and some other out of state bands. I had fun this weekend though. I'm so cold right now. Today in class everyone was talking about a gas leak smell or something and a lot of kids were complaining about it and some of them felt sick and stuff so I got to miss most of 2ND period. It was funny. My teacher gets on the speaker and says, "at this time, I am going to ask all the students in the building, to leave" There was no fire drill alarm or anything. I stayed in this girls car with Diana and Melissa. The fire trucks and ambulance came and said everything was okay, and had to talk to the kids with headaches and stuff of course. One girl actually went to the hospital. Okay. And that was that I guess. I'm kinda spooked out right now. I was talking to Chris about haunted places in CT and I was looking at a website that had all these crazy haunted places on it. There's this one called undercliff in Meriden. It was an old insane asylum up until the mid 1960's and its abandoned and it looks fucking crazy, I want to go. I wonder if I know anyone that has been there. I WONDER. Anyway, I got to meet Jared's mom this weekend for the first time, she was really nice. Me and Jared smoked so much. Too much maybe. hahaha. I'm supposed to hang out with Jackie in a little bit, Kevin too probably when he gets out of work. I'm waiting for Kyle and Jackie right now though. I'M OUT. ta ta

Nov 19, 2008

fuck this week

I'm getting so impatient. Everything has been going fine, I just feel so short fused right now. School went fine today. It's not as exciting as it was in the beginning of the semester, it's just boring I guess. I like going because it takes up a lot in my week and I only really enjoy my weekends. I got a 90 on my math quiz today. Victoria helped me with it, but I knew some of it and I did what I could. I'm happy I got a 90, but I got ten points off for not putting one K at the end of ONE number. Just one. So dumb. And everyone in the class tried really hard to get the quiz done and he penalized everyone who didn't do that. Whatever. I had a English quiz today and I'm positive I did good in it. Kyle is coming over in a little bit, I feel like I haven't hung out with him in so long. This week hasn't been going bad at all actually. I seem to find something to do every day, even if I do take a lot of naps, I'm spending so much more time with my mom. Not so much my dad, but at least we get along. The only time we're all together is when we watch Dexter. I'm okay with this. I really love this show. Whenever I get home its the first thing I wanna do. I'll watch re runs, I don't care. I just want this weekend to come so I can see Jared. Today is our 3 months. I really don't like 3 week gaps of seeing him. It's not nice.

Nov 17, 2008

been a minute

I can't even begin to recap on what's been going on lately. Nothing too out of the ordinary I guess. Boston was cool, I left Thursday and missed school Friday and came back Sunday morning. I went to a show in Boston to see Blacklisted, Have heart, New Lows and Ceremony. I missed new lows and have heart. I had fun. The scene in Massachusetts was crazy, so many people went to that show. Like 8 people were taking pictures too, it looked like a photo shoot. Kind of unnecessary I guess. I almost got lost on the way to the show, I went alone, it was raining too. I took a subway there from my sister dorm, I ended up finding my way though. There was a decent amount of people I knew there, which felt weird, because I was in a different state. I normally never have a good time when I'm that far away from home. I'm not sure why, but that's what usually ends up happening. After the show me and some people went to Sean and Rich's house down the street and drank and hung out, it was fun. We went to get some food later on that night at some fast food place, and everyone in ceremony was inside eating, haha, it was funny/random, they're all really nice dudes. This weekend was fun though, grade A. I had a good time. Hung out with Jackie and Kevin last night. Went to school today. Watched 2 new episodes of Dexter with my parents. Nothing has changed, and everything is going fine. I miss Jared. It's been over 2 weeks, and I have to wait 3 more days. I took a nap before, and now I'm not even tired. Whatevverr. I'm not tired, I don't wanna go to bed.

Nov 8, 2008

all for almost nothing

My mom gave me an at home drug test so we could see if it would even be worth going to quest diagnostics in Branford for Kohls. It's too late now anyway. I did pass the drug test, all the water I drank actually worked. My dad took the day off, on friday, to take me to the DMV to get my permit, so I could have a state ID when I got take the drug test, because its required. I failed my permit test, whatever. I didn't know half the questions on that, and there was 25. Not to mention I waited with my dad at the DMV for almost 3 hours, while other people were going in to take the test within 5 minutes of arriving. I was there longer than anyone. It was frustrating. My dad took work off because the DMV closes at 4:30, but I can only go to take that drug test before 3. I had to go all the way to Hamden and 2:oo comes around and I still didn't get called for the test, by the time I failed my permit, we wouldn't have enough time for the drug test anyway. That day was such a fail. I made my dad spend almost $60 just so I could fail that dumb thing. Fuck that. Later on Jackie came over and we hung out with people all night and I smoked blunts.

Nov 4, 2008

so much water

I guess I haven't posted in a while. Well. The night of Halloween. I guess that's not that long ago. This weekend was fun. I wish I could go back in time and replay it again. Everything was so great and I got to see a lot of my friends. It just made me thought of what pure happiness really means. First Jackie came over and we put our costumes on and chilled in my room, then Jared came over shortly after. We went to stop and shop and chilled for a little then found some stuff to do. We ended up not going to any Halloween parties so we took our costumes off because there was no reason for it. We went to Dan's house and Kyle and Bruder and Karli and some other people were there. Then we went to hang out with Kevin. I don't know. I don't really remember every single detail of what happened that night. I know when we were downtown, 2 people got shot on crown street. I can't even explain what was going on. It was kind of scary. It looked like a riot was about to get started, and Jared kept telling me it was the revolution starting, haha. Later that night we went to Pat's house and watched the Devil's Rejects and then Jared slept at my house and got a ride back to school with Pat the next day. I don't really feel like writing every single detail. I just had a good weekend. Then on Sunday, I got a call back from Kohl's, I was so excited, they told me to come in for an interview yesterday, Monday. Later on Sunday, my dad took me driving, finally. I need a lot of practice. I did fine though, he let me drive on the roads everywhere then we let me go to TJ max and I got pants for my interview yesterday. It went so well. I looked so important yesterday, like a business lady. Julie picked me up from school and brought me to the interview, which was very nice of her. The lady that was interviewing me was really nice. I feel like I answered all of the questions fine, and I basically got the job if I pass the drug test. Not cool. I smoked Saturday night, I didn't know I was getting the interview until the next day. If I knew that I was going to get a call from Kohl's, I would have never smoked for weeks. This is so lame. My drug test will be either Thursday or Friday. I think I'm going to try and push it to Friday. I have been drinking so much water, its not nice at all. I don't know what I'm going to do. I need this job so badly. It would fix all of my problems, it really would. Everything is so good right now, even if this stuff doesn't work out. My driving school teacher is a midget.