May 8, 2008


My mom keeps saying all these awful things and then telling me that I'm interpreting them wrong. I really don't think I am though. I'm really mad that my dad called the cops and that they came here and interigated me. I'm really mad that I woke up just now at 4:00 in the morning because I can't stop caughing. I'm going to go back to sleep because It's gonna suck waking up in a couple hours. My mom is being so unfair. She's telling me that I have to start taking my medication again or she's going to take away my computer privelages. Are you kidding me? That's such a bitch thing to do, and a horrible move. Especially sinse mothers day is on Sunday. She told me that sinse I'm hardly going to school that I need to get a job, yeah I'M TRYING. It's harder than it looks and right now is the worst time to try and get one cuz it's almost summer and everyone else is trying to get one too. I'm trying as hard as I can but all she does is bother me about it. She has no idea.

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