May 8, 2008

a brighter outlook

Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I didn't let so many little things bother me. If I was more nice to people even if they didn't deserve it, and more forgiving. I wonder what it would be like if I didn't get pissed so easily. Then I see other people posting 1,000 myspace bulletins complaining and crying to everyone like their life sucks.. The only reason people do that is for attention, there is no other exception for something like that. Your life doesn't suck, and if it does, no one cares. At least in this journal I can write literally, whatever I want. And if people consider this as me bitching to the world, who cares, you chose to read this. I also hate people that steal. This certainly does go out to a few select people, but for now, I hate everyone in general that steals. Someone that steals from their girlfriend, someone that steals from their family and friends, is a waste of life. Seriously, what do you have to look forward to. At least I'm fucking trying. Everyone lies, some people lie to protect other people, some people lie to protect themselves, and some people lie to make their lives seem more interesting and cool and to get attention. I am not that person. And to acuse me of lying about something so terrible and awful, you should be ashamed of yourself. Your a fat piece of shit loser, that has not one friend. I hate you. You think you know what love is, but when someone lies TO YOU, and steals FROM YOU, and talks shit ABOUT YOU, your pretty much a horrible example of love. Your everything I don't want to be, and from now on I'm going to dedicate my life into becoming NOTHING LIKE YOU.

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