Apr 29, 2008

friday to tuesday

On friday, the school day was going by so slowly. This sucked because I had already came in to school an hour late and I already wanted to leave early. So, I just walk away and get down the street and start walking to the bus stop, I see that the bus is coming so I started to run for it. While I was running Chris and Julie called me because they saw me walking away from foote building and they saw Jeff Alpert walking towards me. I was too quick thoughhhh the second they said that I was just getting on the bus and was gone. It was pretty epic. So after that, I get downtown and Kyle and Dan pick me up near Chanel 1. We go to Russ's house because he owed Dan some money.. It was pretty annoying. Then we go to Dan's house so he can get bags for Kyle and I. We roll it at Dans house, and his parents come home. So we put everything away and we're about to leave, and his mom comes in the kitchen, where we were, and starts walking around and talking and taking the dogs out and doing whatever, then Dan realizes that all his bags are still on the kitchen table, so he grabs it, and she doesn't see. It was very very lucky. I have no idea how she didn't know. Haha, seriously. It was great though, we went back to Kyles moms house, and it was cool because we havn't hung out there in so long. We went in his backyard and Tara came and we smoked then Bruder and Babyluth and Brandon came and it was just like normal. We all decided that we were going to get drunk that night, so, we went to the trolley tracks. We had a 30 rack and some captain. Lets just say, I can't believe I didn't puke. I was really wasted. Tara bought another bag off Dan and we save it for when we get back to my house. I still had no idea what was going on. I had a lot of fun though. On saturday I did some chores and got some money. John came over to my house and we chilled here for a little then Andy came here and sold me a bag and we went back to his house. I hung out there and watched tv and movies all dayyy. I had fun though. Sunday was gay I hung out with Chris a little then Julie and Dan a little and went to Toms and saw Jacci and Donny and Rancid and Jackie Canino. We played supersmash bros for a while. I didn't really have fun all sunday though. Yesterday was pretty neat. School went by fast, besides stupid ugly loser bitchface Stacey pissing me off. All she does is start with me and make unnessassary comments to me. I hate her. My english teacher was being retarted too. She's not normally like that at all. I guess she was in a bad mood, but all I did was ask her a question and she started fucking cussing and getting realllllyyy pissed. Whateverr. School still went by fast, and I went to Kyles house after with Julie and Dan was there. We went to Romeo and Ceasar's and I bought a chicken cutlet sandwhich and it was so delicious. I wish I still had it. It was soo good! My dad picked me up at Kyles around 5. I went home and did nothing, than JACKIE calls me and wants to hang out with me for some reason, it caught me really off gaurd, I was really surprised, but of course, I hung out with her and Tgrills. They needed bud so I directed them to Dan's house and we got a couple bags and smoked a L. Later we went back to my house and ate and they left a while later. We played like 3 rounds of Jenga, and it was fun as hell. I really wanna go to this show friday in milford to see crowns of kings and on three. I hope I can go. I stayed home today cuz we have heritage day today and theres no way im going to that.

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