Apr 21, 2008

4 hour naps suck

And so did today. I woke up tired as hell and I had to go in with my dad and I really wanted a flatbread sandwhich at dunkin donuts, so after a lot of convincing he said I could go to the one in stop and shop with my uncle. I asked a lady if they had what I wanted there, and she said yes. Who would have thought she would lie to me? I didn't. So I ended up getting a stupid plain bagel with cream cheese, which they always put way too much on. I at least wanted a milky way hot chocolate since my whole morning was now ruined because I didn't get what I wanted to eat. They messed that up too, they gave me a regular hot chocolate filled up half way with no whipped cream. Not only this.. they messed up my uncles money so bad, they only gave us 7 dollars back for the 3 things we got and he gave them a 20. And they didn't give us a receipt. What fucking idiots.. The manager had to come down and apologize and give us money out of his pocket and shit. like I care, all I wanted was a flatbread sandwhich. Today I had a free period so I was going to harass my english teacher, I saw her in the hallway so I was creepin behind her and I scared her realllyy bad and she screamed, it was kinda funny. Then stacey comes to her door and slams it in my face. I hate that teacher so much. Since the beginning of the year when she started teaching here, she has been the biggest cunt to me ever. Seriously, it makes me feel bad. I never did anything to her and shes so mean to me. I tried venting to Caroline about it but she was being a bitch too. And shes a teacher so of course she didn't side with me even if I am right. And that made me feel worse. Then I asked Caroline when prom money was due, this is how the conversation went.
her- "you can't go"
me-"what.. why not"
her-"your failing everything and your on academic probation and you havn't stayed after once all year"
I'm so mad. Most of my friends at this school are seniors and they're all leaving and so am I. It's my last year at Sound and I can't even go to fucking prom. This is bullshit. I was so excited about going.. How can they do that to someone. I went to the bathroom and I realized my bra broke. The strap completely broke off. Every day I feel more and more lonely with no one to talk to. I hate being single. I mean, I can talk to my friends whenever I want I guess.. but it's not the same.I really want someone to cheer me up.=/

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