Oct 11, 2008

super trooper

Laura, you are one of the most horrible people I know. I dislike everything that you do. You should not have the right to call yourself a teacher. I know that karma will get back at you.. when you retire, and have no friends, it will get really lonely and you'll wish you weren't such a horrible person. School has been really good the past week actually. Maybe because I knew I was going to hang out with Jared on Friday, but I still had some really good days, besides Laura ruining everything of course. I made my schedule for next semester, and later on, I talked to Joe, my English teacher, about Laura. All of the other teachers know and understand exactly how she is, and can't do anything about it. They can't really replace her, no one wants to teach at adult ed. The school probably gets like, no funding either, whatever is left from east haven high. Anyway, Joe worked with me around Laura and I will have Jean, Joe, Mark, and Jean again, next semester. I'm really happy about that. I just need a break from Laura. I know I'll have to take her again eventually, a lot too. I have like no credits. Things will get easier. Anyway. My sister Vicki came to pick me up to take me to Uconn to see Jared yesterday, Friday. I was so happy and grateful, she offered to do this for no reason. And Uconn is pretty far. I was really happy. We never really talk at all. Were not that close. But the ride up we had time to talk about a few subjects. It was nice though, I guess. Because shes so much older, its hard to think of her as my sister. Even though she is. Half at least. I told her how I stay up there every 2 weeks for the weekend, and my mom knows but our dad doesn't, and she asked me if I wanted to sleep over. She said she would pick me up today. Isn't that sweet? Of course I accepted that offer. I had fun last night. Me and Jared hung out for a bit in his room then we went to Pat's room with Ed and some of their friends that I don't know and got shitfaced. I haven't felt that way, in a very long time. Last night is such a blurr in my head right now. I had tons of fun though. Totally worth 10 trips to the bathroom gettin real friendly with a bathroom stall. Everyone was so violent last night. I had fun though. This morning we woke up around 11 maybe. But I had almost no sleep that night. We went to get breakfast with pat and ed and some others. Then layed in the sun. Then me and Jared hung out, ate again, and I got picked up. I did have a good weekend though. It's only Saturday night. I had some plans tonight, but everything fell through. Not a big deal though. My sister took the train home from college, so shes here. That's nice I guess. We just watched 2 new degrassi episodes and one new south of nowhere. It was alright. Then we watched stupid stuff on the Internet. Now I'm here. Kind of tired. I'm debating on weather I should take a shower now or in the morning. I already took one this morning. My sister Stephanie is getting married tomorrow............................................ no comment

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