Oct 2, 2008

im old

Not really. I am 17 now, though. Today I did something I've never done before. I slept through my alarm. That's not good. My mom never wakes me up for school, because I always do it on my own. But today for some reason, she came in my room to wake me up around 6:40. I set my alarm for 5:30 this time, just so I can set it over and over until I finally wake up at 6:30. I was tired out of my mind. I got home around 11, my dad picked me up at Dan's house. I got out of school at 10:45 yesterday, because we had a half day. I'm still so tired right now. Anyway, after school yesterday, I got home and started talking to people and trying to make some plans. Stefan and I ended up going to run errands and then pick up Ryan and then we went to the show. I met up with Kyle and Brandon when I got there, and was with them mostly after that. I didn't really know any of the bands that were there, I just went because I had no clue what I was going to do yesterday. We went to Mamouns and we ate felafel's. It was delicious as usual. When we were walking back towards the show, we saw a bunch of cops giving people tickets, and we didn't know why. A cop stops Brandon on his bike, and tells him to stand against the wall near this restaurant. He ends up giving him a $75 ticket for riding his bike on the side walk, and wouldn't even give him a warning. It was pretty lame. Brandon went home and me and Kyle walked around for a little. We walked to the green and sat and waited, for something to come up. I started screaming for some reason, and didn't stop for a while, I don't know why this happened. We ended up walking to Moe's to visit Steve at work. It was only about 8 and it started raining. We got there and got free nachos because Steve is awesome and his manager doesn't care. We were eating, and I don't know how this started but Kyle said something along the lines of, "what if I threw this salsa at you". It was a cup of salsa. It's a Mexican restaurant. I told him there was no way, I told him he wouldn't do it. Maybe I even DARED him too. I really didn't think he was going to. I got salsa all over my shirt and pants. Dan went to the package store then to fair haven to get bud. Me and Kyle helped clean at Moe's after they closed down so that Steve could get out faster. I wrote down my name and number for the Manager so maybe I could get a job. Dan picked us all up, and we went back to his house, and Brandon came back. We all chilled on his front porch and then went in his garage and smoked a blunt. Steve had beer, but I didn't even have one, not even for my birthday. I was too high. I haven't been that way in so long, I didn't wanna do anyyyything. Needless to say, it was awful when my dad came to pick me up. There was no way I was going to hide the fact that I was baked as fuck. So I came up with a new plan. I just started trying to make conversation about anything that I could, and talk to him. We talked the whole way home. I came home, went to the computer, went upstairs, showered, talked to Jared. And went to sleep <3

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