Oct 1, 2008

its my birthday

The sun is out, it's a beautiful day. And I have no plans as of right now. I'm kinda tired, I am considering taking a nap. I don't know yet. This weekend I went to Uconn to see Jared and it was fun. Every time I go up its always raining, I saw Will again on the bus, the Chinese guy. Me and Jared watched the movie "wanted" it was really good. So un realistic, but I liked it. When I went home the bus ride back was fine. There was a car accident though, a car was flipped on its side and people were trying to flag down the bus, but the driver wouldn't stop. All I saw was 3 people pulling a person out of the car, it was nuts. I got stuck downtown for a few hours once I got back, because my phone died, the buses stopped running, AND my parents didn't answer when I got on a payphone. It was pretty bad. Some guy kept giving me quarters for a payphone. I don't know why. School went by fast, I had a half day today. Our days are already half days, so it was a quarter day I guess. We got out at 10:45. I had a test today in history and I'm pretty sure I did alright. My mom is paying Stefan $50 to set up fish stuff for her tank, and he just got here so hes doing that right now. I have no idea. I really need to figure something out. Last night Steff and her boyfriend came to pick me up, we smoked a blunt and got drunk, I had fun. Steff is an awesome girl. She's one that I know will never talk about me. Anyway, I'm not seeing Jared this weekend =/. I don't know if I'll see him the weekend after either. All I know is, my dad is going away the 16Th to the 20Th and Jared will be here that weekend. But its only the first! that is so far from noww. I can do it : )

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