Sep 18, 2008

work4 f00d

Today I went to school. I was very tired this morning, but I got myself up anyway. It's like this everyday though, why can't I just wake up in a good mood, and ready to start the day. At least once. I mean, it's always going to be early. But it would be nice. Just sayin'. School went by fast, as usual. Malcolm X is starting to get really good. I would read it on my own, but everyone in my class is a burnt piece of toast that won't read. My English teacher, Joe, reads aloud. It's not bad, it's just like how my mom did when I was younger. The rest of the classes weren't that bad either. I'm starting to get more and more used to Laura, and how dumb she is. And It's easier for me to get used to it, now knowing, that she is on drugs. I've already accepted the fact that I won't learn anything in her class. And it's okay. When I got home, I was so tired. I tried staying awake and stuff for some reason, even though I didn't have plans. I went to sleep. I had my alarm set for 3:30 but I was way too tired to get up. People kept calling me though, so I eventually woke up somewhere around 4:30 maybe. I had a dream, and well. Nothing's really important besides the end, Julie was calling me in the dream and I was dream talking to her, and her actually calling me woke me up. I think that's crazy. She just got her license, I'm so happy. It's awesome. Anyway, I have no idea what I'm going to do this weekend. I miss Jared, but I'll probably see him next weekend. Hopefully. I can't really recap on anything, because I haven't done much, since last weekend. Which was the best weekenddd ever. The past few weeks of weekends that I spend with Jared, are really what makes me look forward to the next ones I'll spend with him <3. class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_10">reallyy want to do something. I know there's nothing special about turning 17, but it's only one year away from being 18. All my friends that are 18 don't even seem excited about it like I do. It's so many opportunities. People forget all the things you can do when your 18. Why do I have to live next to an airport? Every one's car alarm is always going off. That sound is really making me go insane. It doesn't stop. And most of the time, it wont stop. Because their car is parked at the airport because they took a PLANE somewhere. Awful. The food was good, but now I'm really stumped for what I'm going to do for the rest of the day. I'll probably fall asleep around 12 or 1 seeing as I just took like a 4 hour nap. But that's normal, I'll probably wake up fine. I'm bored! I wish someone would come over. I wish there was some good shows this weekend. There are some, but I'm not really interesting in any of them. Everyone likes ambitions, or a lot of people I know do. But I never got into them. I never listened to them, and I never went inside when I saw them play. I didn't do this on purpose, I just never did. And their last show is this weekend with Offsides, who is really good. Hostage Calm. And a few other bands, but I don't even care. I have a feeling I'm going to have a really terrible weekend, no no no. I really am.

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