Sep 9, 2008

so proud

I still feel a little upset about today, but not enough to actually effect my mood. I didn't go to school because as you can see from my previous entry, I didn't get much sleep last night. It's my fault though, I took such a long nap when I got home from school yesterday. I didn't sleep until 5:30 last time, an hour before I'm supposed to wake up. I didn't go to school today, which is probably a wrong move on my part. I really shouldn't have done that. It's okay I guess. I can only miss one more day from now and October 26Th. I really can't afford to lose any credits right now. I think I can do it. Charles stopped by for a few a little while after I woke up and I made breakfast and we just sat around. He left, and around 3 or 4 Julie came over with Stefan and Pat. Stefan and Pat left after like 10 minutes and Julie left less than an hour later. She was tired. I feel exhausted but I wanted to do something today. I didn't do anything yesterday or today. It's not really a bad thing I guess, but I wish I went out. Today and yesterday I did laundry and cleaned. A lot. I just finished up everything, in the past 3 hours. I feel really good about it. I hate having a dirty room. It's almost Friday <3

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