Sep 8, 2008

fuck you laura

I hate my history teacher. no no no, I really do. Shes the dumbest person I've ever met in my life. School went by pretty fast today. I was not ready to wake up though. But I'm glad the hard part of the day is over. Now I can relax and think about how soon Friday is and how great my weekend is going to be. I know it's only Monday, but still. I don't even care if I don't do anything today. I feel pretty lazy. My legs hurt from jogging with Jackie. Oh yeah.. we do that now. It probably wont last, but we already went out twice. I've been hangin out with Jackie a lot, She slept over my house twice and I slept at her house in 4 days. I haven't seen Julie since last Monday, or something a really long time ago. I feel like she's so busy lately, maybe we'll hang out Tuesday. I'm tired, I might go to sleep in a little bit.

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