Mar 2, 2008

meriden show

Today was family day, but for once I didn't stay with family and eat and everything. My sister gave me a ride to a show in Meriden to see Kulture Shock, Eat and Run, The Kill boys, Stomped on Sight, and some other bands. It was pretty good. I had fun, because I hadn't been to a show in a while and I got to see Jared againn and his band did really good. During their set someone got thrown into my face and it felt horrible, my nose was bleeding and I have this wierd bruise on my face and its swollen and it hurts. Not anymore though, it just looks bad. But on the bright side, I got to see all of my wonderful friendssssss that love me so muchhhh, hahaha. Not at all. I hate those kids at shows. Almost all of them are complete bitchesss and it sucks because it always has to make me mad at some point where I can't even enjoy a show. Fuck them. Fat nasty disgusting crusty obese girls and shit talking guys that can't keep my name out of their mouth. And the funny part is, I hardly know any of them. I'm glad I got this out. Although I had fun today, I don't think that this person I care about wanted me there. I'm gonna go read until I'm tired and sleep, because it's almost 11. And I need to wake up early. And It's not going to be fun.

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