Mar 4, 2008

It was so nice out this morning. It was very warm and it put me in a good mood even though I was tired. The nice weather didn't last for long though, it got really cloudy and eventually started raining for a long time. School went by kind of fast but it probably helps that I don't have to take the capt tests. I wish this tea wasn't so hot. I don't feel that good right now my throat is sore and my muscles are still acheing from the show. Today after school I hung out with Satchel and Jack and we smoked a blunt downtown by the stairs. I guess I had fun. I'm almost done reading this book and I was on the city bus while I was reading and I always get too into the book to realize when my stop is coming up, so maybe I should stop doing that on the bus. This tea doesn't taste too bad right now, It's perfect. Anyway, yesterday sucked kinda me and my friend Steff were having a cigarette in the bathroom in foote building cuz we were suppose to be in the library, and we went in the boys bathroom by accident, which happens to not suck up the smoke through the vent like the girls one does, so, we just finished it and when we walked out Jeff Alpert saw us both leave. Okay, so we're screwed right? He tells us we have to go to the office and he tells tim visel what happend and everything and me and Steff get separated so we can make a write up of our story of what happend, I never really understood why the separate us because me and her always manage a decent story right in time. So I get searched and they feel so cheap because they can't find anything on me, not even cigarettesssss. So as they're getting mad about that, they find a marker in my backpack. A black marker, and I almost get in trouble for having that!!! He starts interrogating me really bad asking me what I use it for and shit, like... WE'RE AT SCHOOL. I use markers, wtf idfk. So then he takes my lighter and my marker away because he thinks im using that marker to write over the walls at school. Which isn't even fucking me. It was mad lame.. Although Steff wasn't as fortunate as me, she had a license plate from a stollen car in her backpack.. Don't ask me why, but she did. So I don't know how much trouble shes in yet cuz shes on probation and she got suspended for 3 days. I hope she's alright. Anyway, I just woke up a little while ago from a 3 hour nap. I'm pretty bored but I'm probably gonna stay home for the night. I want to see Jared tomorrow.

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