Nov 19, 2008

fuck this week

I'm getting so impatient. Everything has been going fine, I just feel so short fused right now. School went fine today. It's not as exciting as it was in the beginning of the semester, it's just boring I guess. I like going because it takes up a lot in my week and I only really enjoy my weekends. I got a 90 on my math quiz today. Victoria helped me with it, but I knew some of it and I did what I could. I'm happy I got a 90, but I got ten points off for not putting one K at the end of ONE number. Just one. So dumb. And everyone in the class tried really hard to get the quiz done and he penalized everyone who didn't do that. Whatever. I had a English quiz today and I'm positive I did good in it. Kyle is coming over in a little bit, I feel like I haven't hung out with him in so long. This week hasn't been going bad at all actually. I seem to find something to do every day, even if I do take a lot of naps, I'm spending so much more time with my mom. Not so much my dad, but at least we get along. The only time we're all together is when we watch Dexter. I'm okay with this. I really love this show. Whenever I get home its the first thing I wanna do. I'll watch re runs, I don't care. I just want this weekend to come so I can see Jared. Today is our 3 months. I really don't like 3 week gaps of seeing him. It's not nice.

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