Nov 24, 2008


I really don't feel like posting that much right now. I was in a really good mood when I got home for some reason, and now I'm just cold. This weekend was really fun. I got to hang out with Jared allll weekend, he came to pick me up Friday night and I stayed at his house until Sunday and Sunday we went to the show in Wallingford to see The Kill Boys and Long Drop and some other out of state bands. I had fun this weekend though. I'm so cold right now. Today in class everyone was talking about a gas leak smell or something and a lot of kids were complaining about it and some of them felt sick and stuff so I got to miss most of 2ND period. It was funny. My teacher gets on the speaker and says, "at this time, I am going to ask all the students in the building, to leave" There was no fire drill alarm or anything. I stayed in this girls car with Diana and Melissa. The fire trucks and ambulance came and said everything was okay, and had to talk to the kids with headaches and stuff of course. One girl actually went to the hospital. Okay. And that was that I guess. I'm kinda spooked out right now. I was talking to Chris about haunted places in CT and I was looking at a website that had all these crazy haunted places on it. There's this one called undercliff in Meriden. It was an old insane asylum up until the mid 1960's and its abandoned and it looks fucking crazy, I want to go. I wonder if I know anyone that has been there. I WONDER. Anyway, I got to meet Jared's mom this weekend for the first time, she was really nice. Me and Jared smoked so much. Too much maybe. hahaha. I'm supposed to hang out with Jackie in a little bit, Kevin too probably when he gets out of work. I'm waiting for Kyle and Jackie right now though. I'M OUT. ta ta

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