Nov 17, 2008

been a minute

I can't even begin to recap on what's been going on lately. Nothing too out of the ordinary I guess. Boston was cool, I left Thursday and missed school Friday and came back Sunday morning. I went to a show in Boston to see Blacklisted, Have heart, New Lows and Ceremony. I missed new lows and have heart. I had fun. The scene in Massachusetts was crazy, so many people went to that show. Like 8 people were taking pictures too, it looked like a photo shoot. Kind of unnecessary I guess. I almost got lost on the way to the show, I went alone, it was raining too. I took a subway there from my sister dorm, I ended up finding my way though. There was a decent amount of people I knew there, which felt weird, because I was in a different state. I normally never have a good time when I'm that far away from home. I'm not sure why, but that's what usually ends up happening. After the show me and some people went to Sean and Rich's house down the street and drank and hung out, it was fun. We went to get some food later on that night at some fast food place, and everyone in ceremony was inside eating, haha, it was funny/random, they're all really nice dudes. This weekend was fun though, grade A. I had a good time. Hung out with Jackie and Kevin last night. Went to school today. Watched 2 new episodes of Dexter with my parents. Nothing has changed, and everything is going fine. I miss Jared. It's been over 2 weeks, and I have to wait 3 more days. I took a nap before, and now I'm not even tired. Whatevverr. I'm not tired, I don't wanna go to bed.

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