Dec 22, 2008


this weekend was fun. Friday, I don't remember what I did. I think I hung out with Tara. Saturday, Jared came to my house early so I could spend the rest of the weekend with him. I woke up at like 7 haha. He got to my house at 9. We hung out here for a little bit then we went back to his house because the snow was getting really bad. The roads were already awful. I had fun. Today school sucked today all we did was arts and crafts, nothing was organized it was lame. We only had one break too, lame. The 90 minute delay helped a lot though. Tomorrow is going to be just as stupid. Why should we even have to go in the first place, go to school at 8, leave at 10. There is no point to even go out of your way. We're not even going to be making anything tomorrow so it will just be pointless the entire time. I mean, it will be easy, but I already missed my two absent days, if I missed tomorrow, I would lose credit for the semester, even it being the last day. Of doing nothing. Today sucked. I slept most of the day, tomorrow will suck because I have no plans and no idea what I'm going to do. I need a friend. Not someone that will just listen to me talk. Someone that I want to talk to. That's all I really want.

so adorable

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