Mar 18, 2008


I've felt better the past couple days. Yesterday I went to school and it wasn't that bad.. And after I was walking downtown with Brandon and we went to the train station and waited for Russ. THAT'S NOT THE POINT. Wayy later that day, it was starting to get dark out and I wanted to go home, it was also very cold, but anyway.. They said they wanted to go out to some roof, on top of a building. I honestly didn't think anything was going to happen until I found myself waiting outside a 7 story building with Brandon for Russ to come out of the side of the building with an open door for us. Or that I actually followed them and walked inside. I forgot what the place was even called, but I remember having to be really quiet because there was people right in the other room having some important meeting. All the lights were off and it was really scary. When we were going up the staircases and rooms in the dark, I kept seeing so many wierd things. Needless to say, I was about to piss myself. All of the doors that we needed to get into were opened, it was wierd, and we actually made it to the top. When I was up there I felt a cool breaze because it wasn't that cold, but it was refreshing from being inside for that extra long 10 minutes. I could see everything of New Haven. And I just sat there and thought about stuff. I was scared I might slip and roll down and die or something. Luckily that didn't happen. I wanna go up there again. After that I waited at the peabody for my dad for an hour. Today I woke up and didn't go to school because I was tired. I wasn't bored today though. I did things today. And tomorrow I'm hangin out with Jared.. and I can't waittt

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